Red Nymph Jewelry

Red Nymph Jewelry

A beautiful eardrop should fit your complexion and feature for aesthetic effect. Different eardrops set off different temperament. So, how to select eardrop suitable for you? Here Red Nymph fashion adviser will teach females how to find their own eardrops in the aspects of feature, hairstyle, body form, complexion, season etc.

First, your feature matters, the earring should harmonize with your feature; round earring does not match big face, instead, big earring is recommended to close to your ear, or triangular earring is recommended to reduce the sense of broadness of your face; in case of small face, earring in moderate size not exceeding 2cm long is recommended; round earring does not match round face, for round earring will cause the impression of plumpy face, so long and pendant square or triangular earring is recommended; in case of square face, it’s advisable to make up your face looking a bit of roundness, and add on middle-sized pendant earring, which will show you pretty face. Round earring or big earring is suitable for long face to refine face image and cause the impression of plump and vivid face.

Second, the earring should harmonize with your hairstyle. Females with shoulder-length hair wearing narrow and long eardrop is pretty and striking; for females with bob, if eardrop and hair tip are equal in length, will cause bad aesthetic feeling, but mixing of bob with delicate ear stud sets off female liveliness and canniness; for females with unsymmetric hairstyle, wearing one big earring will balance with special charm; likewise, classic bob mixing with pendant eardrop causes the impression of civility and elegance.

Third, the earring should harmonize with your body form; for short females, wearing tight dotted small eardrop causes the impression of elegance, comeliness and exquisiteness; however, wearing eardrop with pendant, due to downward movement of visual guide, will make the wearer looking shorter in stature; likewise, thin and tall females wearing eardrop or big earring will bring additional aesthetic feeling.

Fourth, the earring should harmonize with your complexion. Take into consideration your face complexion while selecting earring; light colored ornament is suitable for dark complexion, dark colored ornament is selective, only when it’s harmonious with your dressing; dark colored ornament is suitable for light complexion. Only in this way, contrast of color shadows is brought out, with good aesthetic effect. Red, rose pink and olive ornaments are suitable for blonde complexion, and gold ornament matches all types of complexion.

Last, the earring should harmonize with the season, generally, light earrings, regardless of size, are suitable for wearing in summer, with sense of coolness and friendliness. Plain silver earrings are suitable for wearing in winter, with impression of steadiness and modesty.