Red Nymph Jewelry

Red Nymph Jewelry

1 Fit bracelet with wrist

A bride’s wrist is an exquisite part of her body, which guides the others’ eyesight with hands movement, drawing their attention and having impact on the impression of you by others. So, bracelet style should fit wrist size and bone visibility, while duly show the wearer’s own special style.

Slim wrist and unnoticeable bone: perfect wrist, suitable for any basic bracelets, stylish bracelets or themed bracelets.

Slim wrist and noticeable bone: suitable for two basic bracelets to highlight graceful and tender wrist.

Plump wrist and unnoticeable bone: broad stylish bracelets or themed bracelets, bright and decent.

Plump wrist and noticeable bone: individualized stylish bracelets or themed bracelets, it’s advisable to shift attention from wrist to bracelet.

2 Fit bracelet with arm

High-grade jade bracelet adds charm for the wearer of plump and slender arm.

The wearer of slender and thin arm may gain balance with fine combined bracelets (Two preferred). Bracelet does not match fleshy arm.