Red Nymph Jewelry

Red Nymph Jewelry

Is silver jewelry beneficial to children? It’s a custom in many places, that after a child’s completion of his/her first one month or one hundred days of life, the child will wear gold and silver jewelry, as a prayer for lifelong safety and health.
However, it is just custom, is it good for children to wear silver jewelry? And how to choose silver jewelry that is suitable for them? What are the benefits of silver jewelry for children?

It’s told from ancient time, that wearing pure silver accompanies with wealth and health, and the healthy functions of pacifying five internal organs, calming the mind, relieving convulsion and eliminating evil. Children wearing silver bracelet can avoid evils and get rid of scare. For this reason, it has been a conventional practice from ancient times for a child to wear silver jewelry, for eliminating internal “fetal virus” and avoiding evils

The silver itself has the function of diminishing inflammation, and silver wares are excellently functioned as antibiotics and sterilization. Common antibiotics are effective to six pathogenic bacteria in average; however in contrast, silver can kill 650 harmful bacteria. Therefore, silver jewelry is an ideal ornament for children.

How to choose silver jewelry for children?

 1. Weight does not matter

Many parents prefer to buy the best jewelry for their children, believing that bigger and heavier jewelry is better, this is not the case. In choosing silver jewelry, look at its weight, for the baby is likely to be overloaded. As a general rule, silver bracelet or longevity lock is presented to a baby, in this case, the bracelet of about 20g and not exceeding 26g together with the bell or longevity lock of about 20g is advisable; keep in mind to weigh the silver jewelry at a physical store, or carefully read the product information in case of online shopping.

2. Red string is not as good as silver chain

You’d better have a pure silver chain when choosing a longevity lock for your baby, rather than common red string, for the baby is most likely to suck the string, leading to discolored or broken string, which is unsafe. In addition, the silver chain is in uniform color with silver jewelry, let alone more weight and higher grade, and it seems more precious when it’s given to your friend’s baby.

3. Choose silver bracelet with “vault opening” as possible

It’s certain that the silver bracelet does not fit your baby for the first time, with a vault opening, it’ll not deform as a result of repeated adjustment. Choose a round bracelet or silver bracelet with inner wall designed in convex profile, so as not to scratch the tender flesh of your baby and create comfort.

4. Jewelry with bell is not recommended

Although jewelry with bell jingles melodiously with your baby’s movement, and draws his/her attention, long wearing, in certain sense, could impair his/her hearing ability, and harm his/her sleep quality.

5. Appearance of silver jewelry

Baby’s flesh is tender, which is fragile to cut by the jewelry, thus the parents should exercise extra care to see whether the jewelry is treated by matting, polishing or allergic prevention.

6. Buy from official channel

Do not seek low price and ignore quality, rather, buy quality product of children’s silver jewelry from official channel and produced by qualified manufacturer as possible, and keep a watchful eye while buying jewelry in tourism spot or from street vendor.

Precautions on children’s jewelry

Children are in physical growth stage, so they’re too vulnerable to withstand detrimental heavy metals, thus the parents are advised not to have their children wear silver jewelry for too long; meanwhile, the parents should guide their children to wear jewelry in a proper manner, and avoid licking or biting jewelry, for fear of swallow of accessory that could lead to injury such as suffocation. Immediately after finding allergy, inflammation and like signs in the part of children’s body in contact with jewelry, see the doctor and stop wearing the jewelry.