Red Nymph Jewelry
Some say that beautiful women are born stunners, and that a beautiful woman of soft voice and lovely pose is the best of stunners, who is really breathtaking for tender feeling like touching of refreshing breeze, and wonderfully delightful for charming and attractive makeup like flowering of plum blossom.
Even the most beautiful woman, however, needs dressing and decorating themselves with accessories, not necessarily expensive gold and diamond jewelry, only a special bracelet is enough in some occasion. A fair-skinned slender wrist is by its own eye-catching, an exquisite and unique bracelet will add some charm to it. Between the waving of hand, dressed wrist glows lingering elegance, and that the wearer emanates fascinating breath all over her body.
In traditional Chinese medicine, Shenmen acupoint is located in left wrist, where it is the movement canal of hand tendons, in this regard, even the slimmest bracelet or brace lace will put a burden on the wrist, of which most suffered parts are tendons and ligaments in the wrist, muscular atrophy and strain of tendons will be caused in serious case, even developed into “carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)”. Maybe this is why we subconsciously use right hand, and left hand is basically unused, a fact of protecting Shenmen acupoint in the left hand.
Shenmen acupoint of modern people is subjected to perennial compression due to the need for typing the keyboard with left hand for long time, resulting in multiple syndromes such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation etc. On the contrary, multiple neurons suitable for friction massaging are distributed in our right wrist, thus wearing bracelet on right wrist may greatly relieve physical fatigue.
Today, the charm of bracelet is increasingly popular among female wearers, which is becoming a must for fair-skinned, wealthy and attractive ladies and beautiful career women. Following the principle of “man-left hand and woman-right hand” in wearing bracelet, pretty jade bracelet will have more chance to show in the crowd.
Throughout all the ages, our ancestors always followed the principle of “man-left hand and woman-right hand” in wearing bracelet, which in fact reflects many deep truths. So, it’s wise for a female not to wear anything on her left wrist, and it’s advisable for her to wear a lovely bracelet on her right wrist.
Nobody should ever wear jewelry on their left side. The left side is evil. If you wear jewelry on your left side, you will be cursing anyone who is around you at any time. Everyone man or women should ONLY wearnon the right side! The world is evil enough already
Yes, while the above is a general guideline, it’s by no means a hard-and-fast rule. Some people simply find wearing a bracelet on one wrist over the other to be more comfortable, regardless of their handedness.
One thing to consider is that most bracelets are wore on the right-hand. With 90% of the population being right-handed (thus wearing their bracelets on their non-dominant left hand), this is meant to make the bracelet more comfortable for people who wear their bracelet on their left hand, so the bracelet is not digging into you when you flex and stretch your hands and wrists.
Wearing more than one piece of jewelry is a balancing act. Jewelry can direct attention to parts of your outfit you want to highlight and shift the spotlight away from things you want to hide.
For example, maybe you want to highlight an engagement ring on your left ring finger. You really want to emphasize to the world that you have a new man or woman in your life and you’re super excited about them. In that case, wearing an attention-grabbing bracelet on your left wrist can help to draw attention and admiration to your engagement ring.
If you want to divert attention away from something–for example, an embarrassing scar on your outer wrist–you have two options. You can choose a large or chunky bracelet to cover it up, but this does draw the risk of attracting more attention to it. You could also wear a simple gold band on the same wrist that does not draw a lot of attention. It is still elegant without calling insecurities to attention.
The most important lesson to take from jewelry balancing is that it is all about personal preference. (Say it louder for people in the back–it IS okay to wear rings and bracelets at the same time!). You may have to experiment with where you want to draw attention to, but in the long run, jewelry balancing is about the story YOU want to tell!
You’re probably familiar to the fact that the left wrist is the called and considered the ”officially correct” wrist to wear a watch on for men. The debate of which wrist you should wear your bracelet on has been ever present, especially in the last couple of years as social media has evolved, and more people are sharing photos of them wearing their bracelet – sometimes on what some people mean is the ”wrong” wrist. But why is it that the ”right” wrist to wear your wrist on as a man is on right wrist? And can’t you wear your bracelet on whichever wrist you prefer? we’re looking at the reason why the left wrist today is considered to be the ”right” wrist to wear a bracelet on, and the reasons for wearing your bracelet on the left wrist.
Now, no matter if you would argue about the practical benefits of wearing a bracelet on your left wrist, due to the fact that the majority of the population is right-handed, it’s easy to understand that this is what then becomes the norm. What the majority of people do is eventually what becomes the norm, and since the majority of people wear their bracelet on their non-dominant hand, this is what becomes the norm, and classified as ”the right way to wear a bracelet”. Since left-handed people have always been a ”minority” in the society, the rule of wearing your bracelet on the left hand has been ”invented” by a right-handed individual. But the most important part about the ”norm” for wearing your bracelet on your left wrist is not about something that someone just one day said that this is how it should be. In fact, there are real, actual benefits to wearing your bracelet on the left hand.
You don’t need to follow the “stereotype” of wearing your bracelet on the left wrist – no matter if you’re left or right-handed. The most important part is that you do what feels best for you. Sure, the ”bracelet norm” says that you should wear your bracelet on your left hand, but if this just doesn’t work for you, use the other wrist. This is especially true for left-handed people because, in theory, the same rules of practicality as wearing the bracelet on the left arm for a right-handed people should apply to a left-handed people wearing the bracelet on the right wrist. Yes, left wrist is most common but that doesn’t mean it is the best alternative for you.
Most people wear their bracelet on their non-dominant hand. As such, this means that many left-handed individuals tend to wear their bracelet on the right hand. As such, this is also the reason why watch brands such as Tudor have developed ”left-hand models”, with the crown and crown guards on the left side of the bracelet case as opposed to the right, making it more comfortable for left-handed people to wear the bracelets. Since most people are right-handed, it means that most people also wear their bracelet on the left wrist, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, there are plenty of people who are right-handed who wear their bracelet on the right wrist, just like there are left-handed people who wear their bracelet on their left wrist.
The left side of the body is associated with your internal self and healing. If you want to keep yourself from negative energy, wear good luck bracelets on your left side. Similarly, if wish to absorb positive energy from your surroundings, you should wear good luck bracelets on your left hand.
We grew up believing certain truths to be indispensable and accepted them as norms in society. Some rules of social acceptability such as speech eloquence, impeccable habits, and proper dress etiquette, exerted pressure on us to conform.
Over time, we came to believe that these rules were cast in stone with societal expectations leaving us no choice but to accept them as final and enduring. Anyone challenging them was viewed as a rebel.
Today, we find more and more of these norms being questioned and some of them being found to be lacking credibility.
A classic example in the fashion industry is the belief that the left hand is the correct hand on which to wear your watch.
Having grown up seeing and believing this to be the acceptable dressing etiquette, most of us have never stopped to really question this belief.
Well, the functional approach to wearing a wristwatch is to wear it comfortably, such that it does not interrupt or distract you from your daily activities. Wearing on the non-dominant hand allowed for this and protected the watch from scratches and/or damage.
The non-dominant hand for most people is their left hand as most people are right-handed.
With more people wearing their watches on their left hand, this has over the years led to the erroneous belief that wristwatches are only to be worn on the left hand.
So, the next time you want to wear your wristwatch, please feel free to wear it comfortably on your non dominant hand which may be your left or right hand. You would not be committing a fashion faux pas by doing so.
An eternal topic that will probably never come to a conclusion. Some people prefer this and some prefer that. Hand on heart. There are many such questions. How to wear a bracelet and watch, how to wear a gold bracelet, how to wear men’s bracelets. How to wear stone bracelets? How about a wedding event. Should you wear bracelets to a wedding? How about a watch? For us, the advice is actually very simple. Everyone has a distinctive style and a slightly different type of either bracelet or watch suits each occasion.
The important thing is how it makes you feel. It’s good to read up on a few types, tricks, tips and recommendations, but in the end? How to wear anything is purely your decision and if you’re OK with it, there’s nothing to worry about.
Wearing a watch with other jewellery or bracelets on one arm is a much discussed topic. Although we believe that there is no need to adhere to the conventions and preconceptions of the fashion world, we’d like to give you some tips on how to wear bracelets and in a way that doesn’t make the overall impression look cheap or out of taste.
If you’re more into the elegance of metal, it’s fine to match your watch and bracelets with just the right type of metal. We’re not saying we’re not into colour and originality, but a watch with a silver band and a gold bracelet to pair with it
I am right handed BUT do something unusual and wear my watch on my right hand. I have two different looks that I do regarding bracelets and which arms I wear them on.
1. If I’m wearing a watch, I wear the watch on the right arm with nothing else on that wrist. And I wear a bracelet on the left wrist.
2. If I’m in the mood for jewelry, I skip the watch on my right wrist. And I switch my bracelet to my right wrist and wear a bracelet on my left wrist.
I find watches uncomfortable on my left arm and I find bracelets that are large to be bothersome to wear on my right wrist bec. that hand is more active so there’s too much movement of the bracelet which is irritating to me. So the only thing I wear on my right wrist is either a watch alone or a bracelet but that wrist can’t “handle” anything else lol.
This is something I notice too on people because I find it so hard to believe that I’m the only righty that can’t handle wearing a watch on the left arm. The crown pokes into my hand if I wear it on the left, maybe bracelet. I wear a watch loose.
You’re like me! But the reverse if you know what I mean since you’re left handed and I’m right handed but we both seem to go against the grain and wear our watches on the wrist that is not the norm for our hand of dominance. As a lefty you would, if you were like the majority of lefties be wearing it on your right wrist. I was wondering what made you choose to wear it on your left arm as a righty would wear it?
For me I can recall exactly when I switched my watch from my left wrist like a typical righty wears it, to my right arm and ‘made myself look like a lefty’. I was in 8th grade in French class when I realized how the crown on the watch was poking my hand all day and I couldn’t stand how uncomfortable it was so I switched wrists and just did it like that always. The watch had a white face with light pink vertical and horizontal lines on a white watch band. I can’t believe I can remember it!
Used to always wear them on my right wrist, with my watch on the left. But recently I have found a few of my bracelets that I prefer on my left wrist with the watch. I think now the only one I would wear on the right by itself is a slide bracelet (although it would probably look good on the left, too). I use my right hand and arm so much, and sometimes having a bracelet there bugs me, and that’s another contributing factor to the switch.
I currently wear my watch on my left wrist, even though I’m left-handed. I have always worn it like this and not really given it much thought to be honest! I think it would look really nice to wear the cuff on my left wrist.
I’m right handed. Normally, I prefer: Watch AND Bracelets on LEFT (non-dominant) hand. But, I have a wrist tattoo on my right hand, so I usually prefer to cover it for work. So at work I often do: Watch AND Bracelets on RIGHT hand (to cover tattoo). If I ever got a never-taking-it-off bangle or bracelet, I’d put it on my left hand.
People who wear crystal bracelet and good luck charms often ask this question, whether to wear bracelet on right or left hand for good luck. The left side of your body is associated with internal self, healing and absorbing energy. So if you want absorb positive energy and attract good luck, you should wear it on your left hand.
On the other hand, right side of the body is associated with sending or repelling. If you want to avoid wrong vibes and bad luck, you need to wear your bracelet on your right hand.
However, you need to carefully select the crystals you are wearing on either hands. Wear something on the left which has absorptive properties, while on the right side wear crystals of the repelling nature.
Bracelets are meant to complete your look. You don’t want them to stand out exactly; you want them to be subtle and part of the ensemble you’re wearing.
If you’re dressed down and say in a tropical shirt reminiscent of Hawaii, then beads, leather, or rope bracelets are the best. These are simple and dressed down versions of bracelets.
They work well with the laid back look, and they speak as much too. You can have a few of these to wear over the weekend or when you’re on holiday.
However, if you’re in a suit, you need to step up your bracelet game. That means opting for metallic bracelets that are either simple or stylish. Whatever you choose for should go well with the formal look that you’re going for.
When you’re wearing a rope, beaded, or leather bracelets in a corporate setting, then it is likely going to be more of a distraction than a compliment to the outfit.
If you are wearing such a bracelet for personal reasons, such as your child gave it to you or for religious reasons, be aware that it makes a statement all the same. Depending on the setting, it can also make for a good conversation starter.
It’s probably one of the most asked questions by both men and women about the bracelets and watches. And the answer is that there is no right answer to this question. Everyone can wear bracelets on different wrist based on different opinions. Let me show you why people wear bracelets on different wrists and you can choose a way which resonate with you the most.
Some people prefer to wear bracelet on their dominant hand because they want their bracelet to get noticed whenever they shake hands with them.
Some of them wear the bracelet on their non-dominant hand because if they wear it on the dominant hand, it will get in the way while doing some activities like writing or eating. If the bracelet is heavy, it might cause pain on your wrist.
Some people believe that because men wear the watches and bracelets on their left hand so women have to wear it on the right hand.
Bottom line is there is no right or wrong way while choosing what wrist to wear bracelet. You can choose it based on your preference.
I am right handed BUT do something unusual and wear my watch on my right hand. I have two different looks that I do regarding bracelets and which arms I wear them on.
1. If I’m wearing a watch, I wear the watch on the right arm with nothing else on that wrist. And I wear a bracelet on the left wrist.
2. If I’m in the mood for wearing jewelry, I skip the watch on my right wrist. And I switch my bracelet to my right wrist and wear a bracelet on my left wrist.
I find watches uncomfortable on my left arm and I find bracelets that are large to be bothersome to wear on my right wrist bec. that hand is more active so there’s too much movement of the bracelet which is irritating to me. So the only thing I wear on my right wrist is either a watch alone or a bracelet but that wrist can’t “handle” anything else lol.
This is something I notice too on people because I find it so hard to believe that I’m the only righty that can’t handle wearing a watch on the left arm. it will pokes into my hand if I wear it on the left, maybe bracelet. I wear a watch loose.
Bracelets are meant to complete your look. You don’t want them to stand out exactly; you want them to be subtle and part of the ensemble you’re wearing.
If you’re dressed down and say in a tropical shirt reminiscent of Hawaii, then beads, leather, or rope bracelets are the best. These are simple and dressed down versions of bracelets. They work well with the laid back look, and they speak as much too. You can have a few of these to wear over the weekend or when you’re on holiday.
However, if you’re in a suit, you need to step up your bracelet game. That means opting for metallic bracelets that are either simple or stylish. Whatever you choose for should go well with the formal look that you’re going for.
When you’re wearing a rope, beaded, or leather bracelets in a corporate setting, then it is likely going to be more of a distraction than a compliment to the outfit. If you are wearing such a bracelet for personal reasons, such as your child gave it to you or for religious reasons, be aware that it makes a statement all the same. Depending on the setting, it can also make for a good conversation starter.
I usually wear my bracelet on my right hand and my watch on the left. if I am no longer going to wear a watch – do you think it would look odd if I started wearing my bracelet on my left hand? I am going to feel naked without something where my watch once was…I have noticed that all guys wear their bracelets on the right even if they are watchless…
The left hand is primarily considered the lucky hand. It is believed that if you wear a bracelet on the left side, you are attracting wealth and luck. Wearing it on the right hand has the opposite effect; you are giving away your wealth and luck to others.
That especially when you’re wearing a Pixiu bracelet; it is named after a mythical creature beloved to attract good fortune and wealth, as well as protect the person wearing it from life’s obstacles.
I usually wear my bracelet on my right arm and my watch on the left. Well I have made a vow that I am no longer going to wear a watch – do you think it would look odd if I started wearing my cuff bracelet on the left arm? I am going to feel naked with out something where my watch once was..
I have noticed that all guys wear their bracelets it on the right even if they are watchless…
has someone ever told you not to wear a bracelet in your left hand? Many people around the world believe that wearing a bracelet in the left hand is not good. If you are wondering why here are some reasons to support this belief:
According to Chinese medicinal theory, Shenmen acupoint is present in the left wrist, where there is the movement canal of your hand tendons. As per this theory, even if you wear a slimmest bracelet on left hand, it will put a burden on your wrist and it could strain your tendons and ligaments in the wrist, as well as strain your tendons and muscular atrophy. In serious cases, it may cause “carpal tunnel syndrome” (CTS). Maybe that is the reason why it is considered not to wear a bracelet in your left hand.
In modern age people, the Shenmen acupoint is subjected to perennial compression when typing on a keyboard with the left hand for a long duration. This will result in multiple syndromes like cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation or more. On the contrary, when the multiple neurons are disturbed in our right wrist due to the bracelet’s pressure or friction, it causes a massaging action that further relieves physical fatigue.
Another belief supporting why it’s not good to wear a bracelet in the left hand is due to a principle that insists “men – left hand and woman right hand” when it comes to wearing a watch or bracelet.
Throughout ages, our ancestors have followed this principle, which reflects certain deep truths as per different genders’ anatomy. So, if you are a female, no matter you wear a charm bracelet or buying a zodiac bracelet for women, it is advised not to wear anything on your left wrist.
The right hand makes for the simplest alternative for a bracelet as there’s nothing a lot of appealing than a fragile hand however with a firm grip. And, it’s finally the correct hand, with that you recognize. To get the primary impression right, a powerful bracelet will create all the distinction required.
In my opinion, The right hand makes for the best choice for a bracelet as there is nothing more appealing than a delicate hand but with a firm grip. And, it is after all the right hand, with which you shake hands.
To get the first impression right, an impressive bracelet can make all the difference needed.
I think it is quite safer wearing a bracelet on your left hand because I usually wear my bracelet on my left hand.. I usually see boys wear their woven bracelets on their right wrist.
I usually wear my bracelet on my right arm and the watch is worn on my left arm. Well, I have vowed that I don’t wear a watch anymore – if I start wearing a bracelet on my left arm, would you be surprised? If my watch falls somewhere, I will feel naked.
I noticed that all men wore bracelets on the right, even if they didn’t have a watch…
First, wear it. It is important to understand the main functions of the bracelet. If it is used to for money drawing, increase luck, red glass beads increase interpersonal relationships, coordinate things, make people popular, it is best to wear your left hand. If you want to avoid evil and ward off evil, it is best to wear your left hand. If you want to be more aggressive, wear your left or right hand, but it is best to wear your left hand.
In general, the bracelet is worn on the right hand, while the left hand is used to wear a watch.In special cases, if you have crystal bracelet with your right hand, you will have to wear your left hand when unlucky. In fact, the use of crystal is a principle of “left to right,”
Which is the energy of projective or absorbing? If the crystal is the absorption which should be carried on the left hand, while the crystal is projective which should be wearing the right hand.Projective crystals can release energy to attract some magnetic fields, and absorbing crystals can absorb some energy.
I think this is just a matter of wearing habits for everyone, but it is true that some rules for wearing jewelry are still very reasonable.
Most of the people wear diamond rings as a engagement ring and if you are talking about engagement ring.Then it should be wear in the third finger i.e. Ring finger of your left hand.
If you’re heading to an art gallery, five bracelets with a sports jacket and a pair of jeans are fine. If you’re heading to a business meeting, you might want to tone it down with just one subtle piece of wrist wear.
Because there is a place on the left wrist called Shenmen, the muscles of the hand movement pass through this acupuncture point. The bracelet or bracelet will cause the wrist to be affected. The most injured are the tendons and ligaments in the wrist tube, and the muscles will be severe. Atrophy, tendon strain, and the development of “carpal tunnel syndrome.”
Bracelets are a great way to add color to your outfit. They can be dressed up or down.A woven bracelet that matches a color from your shirt pattern, tie or pocket square is appropriate even in corporate environments.Slip the same bracelet around your wrist for a lazy Sunday afternoon barbecue in your backyard or at the beach.
If you wear three bracelets, you should wear them on the left and right hands, that is, you can wear one in one hand and two in the other. Wearing three bracelets on one hand is relatively rare, which can create a strong sense of imbalance and achieve unconventional and extraordinary purposes. However, it should be pointed out here that this imbalance should be achieved by matching with the clothing worn, otherwise the beauty of the bracelet will be destroyed by unconventionality.
It is not recommended to wear bracelets on two hands. There are several reasons for this: First, it is inconvenient. If you wear two bracelets, one by one, then our daily activities will be very inconvenient, so when we wear a bracelet, it is usually Wearing on hands with little activity,
Bracelets are a great way to add color to your outfit. They can be dressed up or down.A woven bracelet that matches a color from your shirt pattern, tie or pocket square is appropriate even in corporate environments.Slip the same bracelet around your wrist for a lazy Sunday afternoon barbecue in your backyard or at the beach.
Accessories are visual cues to your personality. Interesting accessories always draw attention. You might find strangers start approaching you more often when you wear a bracelet that looks like it has a cool story associated with its purchase.
In culture, bracelets are often associated with wealth and status. An instant association that determines your position in society. In many countries in the eastern world, wearing bracelets means you are rich. Although we no longer have class divisions in the West, in other parts of the world, bracelets are an automatic qualifier in society. Modern young people often wear colored silicon bracelets or hanging amulets to support social welfare and express loyalty to the group. Bracelets become part of their identity.
I wear my leather “biker” bracelet on my left wrist because Im right handed and it doesnt interfere when Im writing, etc. BUT you can also wear it on which ever wrist is more comfortable and there is no right or wrong wrist to wear it on. AND I dare any of yall pansy ass’s tell me to my face Im gay for wearing a bracelet!!! Yes a mens bracelet is called a chain or bracelet depending on what it is. Also yes a lot of men wear bracelets or chains, I wouldnt suggest anyone tell me or any of my biker friends there “gay”, you might be missing a few teethe if you do.
Men wear bracelets. It just depends upon the culture. In the USA, not many men wear bracelets, but I do see Indian men wear bracelets. It isn’t those fashionable types, nonetheless still a bracelet. I see it on their left hands usually. I also see guys who’re artists of some sort or sometimes musicians wear bracelets made of beads on their left hand, and sometimes on their right hands too. I guess the other group that wear it are pimps. I don’t know much about pimps, though.
Bracelets are less popular with men, but they actually make you look good. Once again, the trick to choosing a bracelet is to pursue a simple and classic style, because men should wear bracelets every day, whether in formal meetings or informal gatherings.
It is best to wear the bracelet firmly on the wrist; this will prevent the bracelet from swinging and the annoying noise caused by it swinging up and down on your arm. Most fashion bracelets are made of precious metals such as gold (white or yellow), silver and platinum.
However, woven bracelets are mainly found in surf/skating-style teenagers or on men who enjoy summer vacations on the beach. Basically, these bracelets are more youthful and outgoing than traditional steel bracelets, and are only suitable for leisure activities such as beach vacations, beach parties or motorcycle rides on Sundays.
Specific people wear leather or beaded bracelets; like woven bracelets, these should be worn informally.
The standard advice is to wear your watch on your dominant hand (i.e., your right arm if you’re right-handed) and your bracelet(s) on the other hand. But if you feel like layering the bracelets and watch on one arm while letting the other go bare, go for it. However, in a conservative or corporate setting, one bracelet on your non-dominant arm, plus your standard watch on the other arm, might be all you need to make a statement. Choose a mixed-media piece for minimum bulk, maximum impact. But whatever you do, never put spiky metal or gemstone bracelets next to a metal watch band. You wouldn’t want it to get scratched. Soft leather, spongy cork, or smooth round beads are a safer choice. But most of all: enjoy your bracelets!
If you are right-handed, use the right-hander. If you are left-handed, use the left-hander because you will do more with your right hand (if you are right-handed), so the diamond bracelet will stand out.
My suggestion is: wear a bracelet on the right hand on the big day, and wear a bracelet on any hand in normal days. People will talk about you long after.
One day, I was waiting for a friend in a cafe, when I heard two businessmen talking loudly. They are discussing a meeting they attended and desperately want to recall the name of one of the speakers. Suddenly one of them said, “Don’t you remember? She wears that bright bracelet! You must remember her.”
Bracelets can add grades to your outfits, making you even more compelling. Why? Because a woman wearing a beautiful bracelet will be more noble and honored when she is shaking hands with a businessman.
This is a very good question. I didn’t think too much about how to wear this jewelry before. I have a lot of bracelets, but I am not used to wearing them. Today I know that it is a mistake. Unlike any other women’s jewelry, bracelets play a huge role in business meetings. Whether you are right-handed or left-handed, use your right hand. However, this rule only applies to the commercial sector. As for ordinary clothing, you can decide which hand to wear.
The right hand is the best choice for bracelets, because nothing is more attractive than a delicate hand, only holding it tightly. Moreover, it is the right hand you use to shake hands after all.
In order to give the right first impression, an impressive bracelet can bring all the differences needed.
Girls can wear bracelets in their hands (left or right). If the right hand is her dominant hand, then the left hand wears a bracelet. If the left hand is her dominant hand, then the right hand wears a bracelet.
In my opinion,The right hand makes for the best choice for a bracelet as there is nothing more appealing than a delicate hand but with a firm grip. And, it is after all the right hand, with which you shake hands.
To get the first impression right, an impressive bracelet can make all the difference needed.
That is a very good question. Previously I wasn’t thinking too much about how to wear this kind of jewelry. I have a lot bracelets but am not used to wearing them. Today I know it was a mistake. Unlike any other women’s accessories bracelets pay an enormous role in business meetings. It doesn’t matter if you are a righty or a lefty person – use it in your right hand. However, this rule refers only to business world. As for ordinary outfit, you can decide in which hand to wear them.
Bracelets add class to your outfit and let you become more noticed. Why? Because a woman with attractive bracelet shaking hand with a businessman while being introduced seems more noble and distinguished.