Red Nymph Jewelry
In its purest form, silver is soft and malleable — perfect for shaping into any form of jewelry. There are plenty of features that make this precious metal a first-choice pick for beautiful accessories.
Why is silver good for jewelry? Well, silver is one of the most widely used precious metals in jewelry, followed by gold and platinum. You’ll find that silver jewelry is elegant, classy, long-lasting, and more affordable than other precious metals.
Most of the silver jewelry you’ll see today is made from sterling silver. This alloy contains 92.5% silver and other metals like copper that bring needed sturdiness to the mix. Sterling silver still has the classic silver sparkle and actually improves the quality of the metal, so don’t think that you aren’t getting the best quality.
Not sure why to choose sterling silver jewelry? Find out below:
1. Appearance
Let’s start with the obvious one first. Silver has an incredible color and shine, perfect for melding into breathtaking designs and pairing with luxurious gemstones. The luxurious white metal has a cool tone that fits and pairs well with nearly anything. You can wear silver equally well with casual or formal attire, and it complements color.
Similar jewelry materials like white gold and platinum share this pristine appearance, but you won’t find them anywhere near as affordable as sterling silver.
2. Sterling Silver Jewelry Is Durability
Sterling silver is a harder material than gold and provides long-lasting durability to jewelry pieces. Most silver jewelry is combined with other metals, such as copper, zinc or tin, and has a coating of rhodium to inhibit tarnishing. The inclusion of stronger metals keeps silver resistant to scratching and wear. Pure silver by itself is considered too soft for most jewelry types.
Rhodium coating is used to add some more shine to the metal but also removes another common problem. Silver is one of the only precious metals to tarnish, though rhodium will prevent the smudging effect entirely. Because of this, the only way to wear out most silver jewelry is by scratching off the rhodium surface, which would make the piece more susceptible to tarnish.
Silver jewelry can be worn every day, and will last forever if treated with enough care. However, you should avoid scratching silver pieces against hard surfaces, and clean them with warm soapy water if you spot any tarnishing.
3. Hypoallergenic
Silver jewelry can be an excellent choice for those with sensitive or allergic skin. Pure silver by itself is highly hypoallergenic meaning it’s highly unlikely to cause any reaction on the skin. Sterling silver is most often completed using copper, which is also hypoallergenic.
The only issue is when sterling silver contains traces of nickel. Though this could be as small as 2.5% of a piece if any at all. Only those with extreme sensitivity to nickel would feel any effects of the metal in sterling silver.
4. Affordability
It’s well known that silver is one of the most affordable precious metals on the market. In fact, its affordability is almost as attractive as its appearance. At reputable silver jewelry retailers, you can buy a beautiful piece of high-quality silver jewelry for much less than you would expect to pay for gold.
Silver jewelry has always been a popular choice for those looking to buy beautiful jewelry without the steep cost. Whether you’re looking for a simple silver chain or a dazzling gemstone ring, you are sure to find something in your price range that you love.
The affordability of silver jewelry makes it a great gift option. If you want to treat someone with a beautiful accessory but aren’t wanting to overspend then go for silver.
5. Customisable
Sterling silver still retains some of the malleability of pure silver. Because of this, silver rings and jewelry can be reshaped quickly and for a low price to fit perfectly. This is particularly useful for stone set rings, as the settings need to be changed along with the size.
If you’re in the market for custom jewelry, then silver could be your best option. Names and messages can be easily engraved onto jewelry old or new to make your silver jewelry that little bit more special.
The malleability of silver also means that silver can be engraved with lines and shapes, and smelted into all kinds of shapes.
6. Versatility & Variety
The striking color of silver is very flattering against most skin tones. If you desire a more subtle look than gold then silver is a perfect choice. It’s also a great metal for letting colored gemstones shine. The natural sparkle and tone of silver will enhance the glow and pop of gemstones like emerald, ruby and sapphire.
Silver is one of the most versatile metals, meaning it is suited for a wide variety of uses in jewelry. You’ll find stunning silver earrings, rings, necklaces and bracelets, each uniquely their own.
What Are The Benefits Of Wearing Silver Jewelry?
Silver has all kinds of spiritual, health and practical benefits for daily wear. This precious metal has long been thought to lift your mood and channel positive energy into your life. The benefits of silver are countless, but we’ll summarise for you the best we can!
7. Health Benefits of Wearing Silver
In terms of health benefits, the antibiotic properties of silver are the most notable. Silver fights bacterial infection and is commonly used in all kinds of medicine, including wound sterilisation and healing. Silver can also reduce the chance of spreading some sicknesses, as it kills bacteria on its surface.
Throughout history, silver has been used for its healing properties for treatments of burns, infections and wounds. Scientifically, the precious metal has been shown to speed up the healing process. Wearing silver jewelry is said to transfer some of this healing power also, especially when it’s worn so close to the body.
Another obvious benefit of wearing silver is how it can lift your mood. The brilliant sparkle and light, calming effect of silver is great for your mental wellbeing. It’s nice to feel nice, and silver jewelry certainly gives you an amazing look that can boost your self-esteem.
Something can also be said about how silver channels heat and electrical currents. These incredible properties are said to balance the energy flow of the body and lift mood.
8. Spiritual Benefits of Wearing Silver
Over thousands of years, silver has had deep spiritual and cultural significance. To this day, many people swear by the calming, healing and balancing effects of silver.
Silver is a worldwide symbol of love. The luminous metal is believed to enhance your love and take away from any negative energy interfering with your relationship. Of course, silver is known for healing properties and can help you mend a broken heart too, if that’s what you need.
There’s a deep connection to silver and the moon. The tranquillity and elegance of both are clear to see, and both can reflect your true desires in life.
Many choose silver as a naturally calming element to wear in jewelry. Unlike gold, silver does not greatly enhance the effects of gemstones. Instead, it will gently and subtly transfer the good properties and energy of spiritual gemstones into your body, creating beautiful balance.
Many kings and queens would wear silver as a form of protection from evil and bad omens, and silver can still be worn for this benefit today. The naturally reflective nature of silver is thought to repel negative energy, and intensify the good things in your life. If you’ve been feeling better while wearing silver, maybe this is why!
Here are 3 reasons why you must choose sterling silver for jewelry:
1. Light and Durable
Due to the mixture of copper in the metal, sterling silver is much more durable and lightweight than pure silver. It is even stronger than gold but so lightweight that it makes the perfect choice for everyday jewelry like small earrings, rings, or bracelets.
2. It is Hypoallergenic
We have come across so many allergic people to various jewelry materials. More than 10 percent of people are allergic to Nickel, which leads to irritation, itching, and scabbing. Other metals like brass are also known for causing swelling, redness, and blisters.
But since Sterling Silver is more than 92% pure silver, it is a hypoallergenic alternative to other materials for jewelry. Jewelry remains in constant contact with our skin, and risking wearing materials that can lead to painful symptoms is not a good choice. Hence sterling silver is the perfect choice for people with sensitive or allergic skin.
3. Easily Customizable
Unlike pure silver, sterling silver is not hard and easily moldable. Which means it can be easily customized as well. Sterling silver is a workable metal since it offers plenty of artistic freedom to jewelers and designers. If you are someone who loves to wear customized jewelry or like designing your pieces – sterling silver is your best option!
Sterling Silver – A Timeless Beauty
Apart from all the qualities of sterling silver, it is easy to design and wear. Sterling silver is a versatile material. There is hardly an outfit that a delicate piece of sterling silver jewelry cant complement.
When you’re talking about jewelry, you’re talking about sterling silver. That just means it’s 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent copper. Sterling silver is a great option because it’s durable and long lasting, so it’s good for rings, necklaces, bracelets, cuff links, belt buckles, body jewelry… you get the picture. But keep in mind that silver jewelry is softer than gold, platinum and titanium, and it’s likely to tarnish without proper care.
If you’re looking to invest your money into something tangible, then silver jewellery is a great idea. It’s not only beautiful and stylish, but it’s also completely affordable compared to other precious metals like gold. If you’re already a fan of silver jewelry online and you’re wondering whether it’s worth buying more pieces, here are five reasons why we think silver jewelry is a worthwhile investment:
The price of silver continues to increase.
As a precious metal, silver is a finite resource. This means that it has become harder to find and mine over time. As our world’s population continues to grow, the demand for silver will continue to increase as well. Because of this, there is less of it available than ever before, and its value remains high.
Because silver is such an important commodity in our economy, buying and selling it can be an excellent way for investors to make money on their investments or hedge against inflation. As more people buy silver jewellery pieces (or sell their old pieces), the price increases even more because of supply and demand issues: fewer people are willing to sell their old pieces at lower prices when they know that they can sell them later; at higher prices!
It’s easy to maintain and clean.
Silver is naturally anti-microbial and anti-fungal, which means it’s extremely easy to clean. All you need is a soft cloth and some water, or you can polish your silver with a silver cloth or dip it in a solution of warm water and salt. Silver jewelry that has been oxidized (has an antique look) will easily scratch off when rubbed against something hard like metal, plastic or stone. If this happens, just use a fine steel wool pad to buff out the scratches.
Silver is hypoallergenic.
Silver jewelry is hypoallergenic, which means it’s a metal that won’t cause irritation in the skin. Silver has a soft texture, and it doesn’t tarnish easily, so you don’t have to worry about your jewelry turning black or green (like it would with copper). This makes silver a great choice for people who have metal allergies because they won’t experience any reactions from wearing their silver pieces of jewelry.
It’s always in fashion.
Silver jewelry is a timeless investment. It’s always in fashion and never goes out of style.
Silver jewelry is easy to maintain, which means you can wear it for years without having to take it to a jeweller for repairs or cleaning.
Silver jewelry is less expensive than gold but still offers many of the same benefits, including being a good investment.
The purity of silver is a sign of quality.
Silver jewelry is often considered to be a worthwhile investment because of the purity of its silver content.
The purity of silver is measured in karats, with 24% being the most common standard used in jewelry making. Silver that has been refined to at least 99.9% pure has a more polished shine and is suitable for use in all types of jewellery-from necklaces and bracelets to rings and earrings.
Silver that falls under this standard is considered high-quality, but it’s important to remember that there are other metals that can be mixed with silver when creating jewelry for sale (which affects its appearance, durability, price and other properties).
If you want an investment piece that won’t lose value over time due to wear & tear or damage (e.g., scratches), then opt for items made from pure sterling silver rather than those composed partially or entirely from nickel or zinc alloyed metals – these materials are known as costume jewelry because they contain less precious metal per weight unit than real gems like diamonds do!
So, as you can see, there are some great reasons why silver jewelry is a worthwhile investment. Whether it’s because of the way it looks or how it makes you feel when you wear it, or even just because of the fact that it will always be worth money, there are lots of good reasons to buy silver jewelry. So what are you waiting for? Go out and purchase some today – you never know when having little pieces of silver could come in handy!
Silver is a white metallic element, harder than gold, softer than copper and second only to gold in malleability and ductility. Represented on the Periodic Table of the Elements by the symbol Ag, silver is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Silver is considered one of the noble metals because of its excellent resistance to oxidation. Historically, silver has played a prominent role in the production of jewelry and objets d’art and is usually alloyed with another metal to harden it enough to maintain the desired shape and details imparted to it.
Silver is relatively inexpensive today when you compare it to other precious metals like gold or platinum. This could lure one into believing that it isn’t an important metal. That is a false assumption! At times throughout history silver was valued more highly than gold. When you examine the quantities of silver used in jewelry, its use outweighs all other precious metals by a large factor. This versatile white metal also triggered far more technological advances in the field of mining and metallurgy than it’s other precious metallic cousins. Entire economies have depended on its availability and the access to silver deposits has swung wars and as a result history. Silver is without doubt one of the most important metals in use by mankind.