Red Nymph Jewelry
1) Generally, finger ring is pulled on left hand, one finger ring is preferred, two finger rings at most, except the bride.
2) In case of two finger rings, wear on two adjoining fingers or corresponding fingers on both hands.
3) Generally, the thumb does not wear finger ring, and no more than one finger ring is pulled on one finger.
4) With gauze gloves, finger ring should be concealed by the gloves, except the bride is not subject to such restriction.
5) Internationally popular practice: first finger – desire for marriage, unmarried; middle finger – falling in love; third finger – engaged or married; little finger-single.
People do notice your rings. They may not say anything, but they pick up subtle cues based on the the rings you wear. Be careful about what messages you are sending out through your choice of rings.
Balance your ring on the other hand – don’t crowd the rings together. If you are wearing a wedding band and a watch on your left hand, balance it out with a bracelet on the right wrist.
People use rings on certain fingers to work a certain type of energy. Most ancient texts and cultures advocate the wearing of rings on particular fingers to induce a mood.