Red Nymph Jewelry
Many ladies like the dazzling of the diamonds, but the pure diamond is repellent to oil. Once contaminated, it will be dirty and become an eye-sore. So how to cleanse the diamond ring to keep it ever shining? Red Nymph Fashion advisor comes to the rescue.
- Use detergent
Put the diamond in asmall bowl-sized container, with warm water to adjust the neutral detergent. Softly brush the diamond with a toothbrush. After that, rinse the diamond under the faucet in a net bag, and finally dry it with a flannel.
- Soak in cold water
Soak the diamond in cold water in an appropriate container for 30 minutes and then softly brush it with a toothbrush, and finally dry it with a clean flannel.
- Jewelry cleaning solution
First prepare a bottle of brand-name jewelry cleaning solution. Generally jewelry cleaning solution will have a cleaning container. Quick clean your diamond with the instructions.
Although the diamond is the hardest material in the world, its toughness is not high. The diamond can also be damaged under a strong impact. So we need to take good care of it when we’re doing tense exercise and doing chores. We’d better not wear the diamond when we’re cooking and need to deal with chemicals.
you can use shampoo or body wash. But, whatever you choose as your ring cleaner, just avoid anything that is moisturizing. Products that moisturize tend to leave a film on the ring, which is exactly what you’re trying to avoid. As for drying off your ring, avoid paper towels; they can actually scratch the metal. Instead, use a soft cloth made of cotton or let it air dry.
What about those at-home ultrasonic jewelry cleaning machines? While ultrasonic jewelry cleaners do produce a sparkling result, the machine works by sending vibrations through the water and cleaning solution in a matter of minutes. All that vigorous movement can cause stones to become loose or even fall out in the machine. And while a professional jeweler can test the stones to see if they’re all still intact (and secure them on the spot).