Red Nymph Jewelry
The jewelry, when combined with clothing, serves to display in the background of the clothing or merely as an accessory, in either way, clothing and jewelry should match with each other. Flaring clothing matches jewelry in simple and elegant color.
Black clothing fits some bright-colored jewelries. Richly laced clothing fits to jewelry in simple pattern to avoid nonconformity.
Clothing with loose half sleeve, when combined with a jade circular bracelet, shows off charming posture of middle-aged female. One thick woolen sweater or knitted sweater fits necklace made from jade materials such as agate, amethyst, tigerite and the like. In summer, silk shirt together with a simple gold necklace are enough to make you looking compact and pretty. If a long necklace with pendant is combined with a gold bracelet, it’ll bring modest and elegant impression of you. Spring clothing is light, soft and colorful, and the jewelry should also feature liveliness, clearness, relaxation and appeal. Autumn clothing combining with soft, simple and modestly colored jewelry brings out autumn style of coordinated hardness and softness. In winter, rich-colored and bright jewelry bring full vitality to thick woolen clothing.
The right kind of jewelry can transform your outfit from a simple dress into a glamorous outfit. It is therefore important that you choose the right kind of jewelry at all times so that you bring out the best in your clothing. Wearing the wrong jewelry can actually tone down a beautiful outfit and rob it of some of its glory, so be careful to choose wisely when matching your jewelry.
Gorgeous jewelry such as pearls and other precious gems should be worn with dazzling evening wear. It would be totally out of place to wear such expensive jewelry to a normal function or with a casual outfit. Alternatively, you can wear more colorful and creative jewelry with a simpler less formal outfit.
Enjoy wearing your jewelry appropriately.